Monday, March 14, 2011

Noah Jeffrey Gunderson

Griffin and Annabel added cousin number 4 to their list yesterday with the happy birth of Noah. Amazing mom, Eva, went through 26 hours of labor but the product was sure worth it. I got to meet him yesterday and he is simply perfect. I couldn't be more proud of Patrick and Eva and Griffin and Annabel are so excited to meet their new cousin. He came into this world weighing 7lbs 14 oz and 20 inches and I think he looks just like his mom (minus the cheeks, those are all Patrick).


  1. Noah looks PERFECT! Thanks for the pics.

    Love Aunt Debbie

  2. Hey Erica! I'm one of Michele's friends from Cali...and I just had to snoop to your blog to see pictures of Noah!!! He is absolutely perfect! So happy for your entire family...that little boy will be VERY loved! Take care!
