Monday, September 5, 2011

Forgot to make it "Blog Official"

Not that this will be news for anyone since everyone now knows, but the Lyons family is expecting baby number 3 come Feb/March of 2012. I am due on Feb 29th (Leap Day) and we will find out in about 5 weeks if it is a boy or a girl. We could not be any more happy/thankful than we already are. We have always wanted to have 3 children close in age and the fact that getting pregnant and having healthy children has been something God has blessed us with does not go forgotten for a single day. We can't wait to finalize our family in late winter when we have a 3 year old, an almost-2 year old and a newborn. A little overwhelming when put that way but even in writing down and having it sink in even more, I have a huge smile on my face. We are Blessed.