Saturday, July 31, 2010

Oh My!

This is a picture of how Griffin set the table to for dinner last night. I told him it looked delicious but it might be a little too spicy for our tastes. I don't think he understood. Also, some pictures of A-bells with her bow in. I think she looks strikingly like her Aunt Shell in the last one, mainly because of the eyes.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Coney Island

Flashback to one year ago exactly!

We enjoyed a morning at Coney Island today (one of the most beautiful days I've seen in a while). Griffin loved it just as much as he did last year at this time. The attendants would unlatch him after the ride was over and he would get down and go to the rocket (airplane, boat, whatever) behind it and get back on. That was his way of riding another ride :) He honestly did this until he rode every single rocket (airplane, boat) on the ride. Annabel enjoyed sucking on her toes in the stroller, getting so much attention from strangers and watching her big brother who makes her laugh all the time. She will be big enough to ride some of these rides next year.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Annabel is now big enough for the Jumperoo. It seems like just yesterday Griffin was jumping in this!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Last Night in the Outer Banks

Running to the beach

We had an amazing time in the Outer Banks with our family this year. Griffin still hasn't stopped talking about "Eeah" (Olivia) and "Cam" and the beach and the pool. We owe a HUGE thank you to Pam who made it all possible. Thank you Grammy!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Sand Dunes

Like a huge sandbox for the kids, it was pretty cool!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

More Outer Banks

Mom and Dad enjoying a rare moment!

The "I want that in my mouth" look we see all the time now.

Annabel's first swim in the pool. She loved it and kicked the whole time.

Enjoying a snack on the top porch.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Happiest Baby Ever

Not an exaggeration either. Scott asked me today if Annabel ever cries other than when she gets overtired and I honestly couldn't think of a time within the last month that she has. She couldn't be an easier, more "go with the flow" little girl. At 4 months old she rolls over like an expert now, puts EVERYTHING she can in her mouth, sucks on her toes, laughs really hard when her dad plays peek-a-boo, loves watching her brother play and goes to sleep on her own when you lay her down for naps. Scott, Griffin and I coudn't love her more.

Hangin by the Pool

We are really enjoying our time in The Outer Banks with the family. Griffin is having the time of his life playing with his cousins and Annabel is having so much fun she sleeps 13 hours at night! The pool is our favorite place to hang out.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Breathing Machine

Griffin has been doing 2x/day steroid breathing treatments for his asthma for a couple weeks now. He is becoming an expert at doing it by himself.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hanging out at Home

Griffin has had a high fever for the past 24 hours so we have stayed home and played around the house a lot. Here he is enjoying fresh plums off the tree in our front yard. Annabel is enjoying her fist, the whole entire fist, that is.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Little Sister

Griffin adores his little sister. We couldn't have asked for him to be a better big brother. We could have asked for less tantrums and whining but that's another topic :)