Saturday, November 27, 2010

We are in Trouble

Annabel has started climbing steps and walking. She loves to hold onto someone's hands or push the walker while she cruises around. She also went up 4 steps by herself this afternoon. 8 months just seems so young :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas Card Preview

Here is what we are sending out in a couple weeks :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Finally Enough Hair

Aunt Megan pointed out that Annabel has enough hair for a bow so the very next day I tried and...viola! It stayed in! Let the "girlyness" begin.

Big Boy Bed

Griffin finally attempted to mountain climb out of his crib last week so we decided it was time for a big boy bed. Although he looks happy in this picture he has been waking up crying every night since we did it. He is comforted back to sleep without a problem though. He must like change as much as his mom :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

To help us remember...

Griffin at 2 1/2 years old:

-weighs 25 lbs (5th %)
-measures 35 inches (25th %)
-does not like to eat high volumes of food but eats a wide variety of things. For example, dinner tonight was some lettuce and carrots dipped in ranch, a couple bites of spaghetti and half a piece of bread. Oh, don't forget the Oreo:)
-knows how to spell his name and can identify it
-can count up to 15...then 15 just gets repeated over and over
-knows the numbers 1, 2, 3, 8 and 9
-knows almost every single color and a couple shapes
-knows the majority of the uppercase letters...lowercase will come later :)
-LOVES his little sister who he probably hugs 15 times a day, kisses constantly. He calls her sugar plum and tells me all the time it hurts when she cries. He doesn't even complain when she pulls his hair (I can attest this really hurts and poor Gavin can too) but occasionally says "Silly Annabel"
-thoroughly enjoys preschool where he gets to "play with friends, eat snacks, play with cars and see his teacher". Mommy loves the crafts he brings home every day!
-is really into nursery rhymes lately and wants to know if Jack is okay and why the London Bridge fell down
-has a slight obsession with cars and trucks and lines them up into long trains
-loves to be outside to ride his tricycle
-still takes a 2-3 hour nap every day
-goes pee-pee in the potty about once a day
-would watch tv all day if we let him but instead gets to see an episode or two of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Super Why

Annabel at 8 months

-weighs about 16.5 lbs
-eats baby food for breakfast, lunch and dinner and has just started eating finger foods such as "Puffs"
-drinks from a sippy cup by herself
-breastfeeds 4 or 5 times a day
-sleeps from about 7:30 PM until 6:30 AM without waking
-crawls everywhere but especially loves to go under tables where she can find food
-will eat ANYTHING she finds on the ground. Just today tried to eat 2 leaves, one acorn shell, a piece of spaghetti, 2 yearn balls and other unidentifiable objects
-waves bye-bye and hello to anyone including the mailman and meter reader today
-is the world's happiest baby especially after a good nap and screams when shes excited
-cuddles by laying her head on our shoulder when shes tired
-has two teeth on the bottom
-does a really cute bunny imitation
-loves her pacifier
-pulls herself up to standing and can sit back down now too

Mommy and Daddy are super busy with life lately (jobs, classes, housework, etc) but we don't want to forget how lucky we are each and every day to be blessed with such beautiful, healthy, happy, caring children.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Indian Summer

We have been trying to stay outside as much as possible this past week as we know it probably won't happen for another couple months, winter quickly approaching. Loved this picture from yesterday!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Our New Favorite Dinner Spot!

We went to Hahana Beach for dinner last night and loved it. The kids can play in the sand while we wait for the food and its right down the street from us. Proximity and entertainment are two big factors in our restaurant choosing...used to be quality and service, not that those were bad though!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Annabel will eat any and everything she can get her hands on. We REALLY have to watch her!

Biking together during this wonderful Indian Summer.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hiding Spot

Annabel loves to crawl under the dining room table lately to try and find as much food as she can. I consider myself a clean person but she always ends up sticking something in her mouth that she usually finds under her big brother's booster seat. Almost ready for table food!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Trick or Treating

It was a little chilly for a cheerleader in only a skirt and leggings so Annabel wore her hat and was wrapped in a blanket. She loved watching all the kids running around and was very good for her first Halloween. Griffin and his cousins mastered saying "Trick or treat...thank you" after just a few houses and after an hour were complaining of how heavy their bags had gotten. Trick or treating in our new neighborhood was everything I expected it to be. Tons of kids, firepits, music and candy. What more could we ask for?.... Well, peanut-free candy would be good but that might be asking too much :)