Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Griffin and Annabel went trick-or-treating at the retirement home across the street from us on Thursday. Griffin learned how to say "Trick or Treat" and then "Thank you" and loved all the candy he got. Everyone there said they were the cutest firefighter and cheerleader they had ever seen. After a quick switch out of all the peanut products (about 75% of his candy) he got to have a piece of his choice. He said he wanted to share with Annabel who was happy to suck on every piece. Then she went for his favorite (a Dum Dum) and the sharing was over. He knows that in order to take something away from her you have to give her something new, so she doesn't cry. Therefore she ended up with a container of measuring cups instead.

Friday, October 29, 2010

New Teeth and Tables

Griffin got a new table and chairs from his Grammy and he loves sitting and drawing pictures all by himself. Mommy loves that she can leave him alone without worrying about the markers, since he got the Color Wonder markers from his Mamu that only color on special paper :) Here is the first picture of Annabel's first two teeth (down on the bottom). As you can see from the picture, she LOVES her baths!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bike Ride

Uncle Pat took Annabel and Griffin for a ride around the yard in the bike trailer. Annabel had on her thrilled/concerned face and Griffin was so proud of her he kept giving her kisses throughout the whole ride.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Dressed for Fall

Had to take a picture of this outfit!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 2010

And she's off...Annabel can now get wherever she wants as she is successfully crawling!

Griffin brought home his first art project from preschool!

Eating breakfast together in the morning!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

So Proud

Griffin loves riding his bike in the parking lot across from our house and going over the speed bumps. He is almost as proud as his sister is to be able to pull herself up to standing. This is how I find her in her crib all the time now. You can tell when it is happening because she shrieks in delight!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

"New" Castle

The term "new" is used lightly because this castle was actually left by the previous owners but was a huge dirty mess and surrounded by honeysuckle. I cleaned it off and Scott spent an entire weekend clearing out the honeysuckle and now we have a yard that is twice as big and a new castle to play in.
Lastly, this has been a huge week for Annabel. Not only is she pulling up on her own and going from laying to crawling position to sitting position, but she also got her first tooth today and has been sleeping through the night for couple nights now. We put her down at 7:30 and we get her at 6:30. She has only cried a little each night during the time I used to feed her. We, her brother included, couldn't be more proud of our "little"girl.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Fall!

Here is Griffin eating breakfast this morning. It is probably his favorite meal because he gets to make a smoothie with his dad almost every morning. Which he quickly gulps down before eating his cereal. The other pic is Annabel in our new sink, taking a bath. I LOVE our new huge, inset, stainless steel sink for many reason and being able to bathe children in it one of them. In other Annabel news...she decided that sitting up isn't getting her access to everything she needs so she now pulls herself up to standing all by herself. She has done it on several occasions over the last couple days. She squeals in delight after she does it with the most proud smile ever. Actually after I took this picture of her taking a bath she tried to stand up in it. She also has figured out how to go from laying to sitting. She pushes up onto her hands and knees, then sits back on her bottom. Wow, 6 months just seems so young for this!
Griffin had his first full day of preschool this week by himself and it was a big hit. He did cry when I left, but the teacher said it was only for 5 minutes. Everything we do now is related to preschool, "We do that in preschool" & "preschool has that".