Wednesday, October 8, 2008


No pictures for this post...just sheer happiness! Griffin slept last night for (drumroll, please) 8 hours straight!!!!! He went to bed at 8:30 and slept until 4:30, at which time I fed him and he slept for 2 more hours. I awoke at 3:30 in a panic since I hadn't heard from him yet, checked on him and then went back to bed. All this occurred after two horrible nights of sleep (crying every 2 hours for 45 minutes, getting up at 5 AM, etc) so keep your fingers crossed that it wasn't just a spoof. Scott actually has to make a trip to Target today because last night he told Griffin, "If you sleep through the night I will get you a new toy!". We've got a smart one on our hands!


  1. Don't know if this will make you laugh or cry but Kyle was ten and one half months before he slept through the night and since we only had 2 bedrooms at the time and I didn't want him to disturb Ryan, this was all done in the same room with us! UGH! Hang tough sweets...all will be well!

  2. It must have been in the air. Tessa slept through the night too. Does Scott want to buy her a new toy too?
