Friday, April 17, 2009

We Love Him...

Griffin has started some new things that we just love around here. He now gives kisses for real. If I say, "Can Mommy have a kiss?" he comes towards me making the "mmmmmmmm" sound and then opens his mouth nice and wide for a wet kiss. We figured out the "mmmmmm" sound is from when we give him kisses and making the kissing noise (which involves the lips smacking at the end, he just doesn't know how to do the end part:)
He also has a new laugh that involves his mouth being wide open, almost like he is mocking others that are laughing too. He does it constantly when he is showing off, whether walking, playing peek-a-boo or just wants attention.
Lastly...walking. He now does it all the time. His favorite is to go from one person to another and back and forth and back and forth. All the while doing that loud open-mouth mocking laugh. I have got to get all this on camera as I'm sure I'm not doing it justice.
You think you can't love a human being possibly anymore and then another day comes along and you're proved wrong again.

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