Griffin went for his one year appt on Monday and he is doing well! The doctor was a little concerned about his weight and height (7th% and 10th%) but she summed it up to his genetics and gave us some tips on how to get more calories into him. It was kind of surprising because although he can be a picky eater he does eat a lot now.
I had to go through a checklist of a bunch of things that children should be doing by 18 months (even though he is only 12 months) and he was doing them all except one (pointing at objects). So he is way ahead of schedule which we already knew :) He got two shots, for which he was really tough, and really only gave the nurse a dirty look for doing them. We also had to get blood drawn to do a lead test yesterday at Children's which he was really brave for too. After it was done (he cried for about 5 seconds) the nurse gave him a sticker. He took the sticker, threw it on the ground and waved bye-bye to her, without either of us eve saying the word "bye-bye". It made me laugh pretty hard. Here is a picture of him squatting, his new favorite position in order to play in the dirt/rocks/mulch outside without sitting in it completely.
omg SO hilarious!