Monday, September 13, 2010

First day of preschool

Today was my baby's first day of preschool and it was pretty hard not to cry as I was walking him to his room. He was a little shy at first, warmed up and made friends with a little boy named Noah, played with stickers and talked to his teacher about bugs. I know all this because I got to stay on the first day :) He is looking forward to going "all by myself" next week. Just not sure if I'm looking forward to it!


  1. WOW! Preschool! It feels like he was just born yesterday.


  2. Where's he going Erica? He looks so cute! So unbelievable how quickly time flies!!!

  3. Love those pics! We went to meet Mrs. Lee today... loved the classroom! It will be a fun adventure. I signed up for V-day with you... I'll be your assistant ;)
