Monday, April 26, 2010

Translation Please...

Griffin is talking up a storm these days, however most of what he says needs a translation (should I be concerned?) for others who don't hear him every day. He goes to bed talking to himself and wakes up singing to himself. Here are some words/phrases that need translating usually:

bi tu- "big truck"
ak up- "wake up"
nute nack- "fruit snack"
nak nak- "napkin"
eat eat eat-"I'm hungry"
peepa- "pizza"
moo- sound a cow makes or "more"
"siren noise"- slow down mom I see a police car
Happy- sing happy birthday to me
Abells- Annabel
Momoo- grandma Gunderson
Mammy- grandma Lyons

and our favorite...
boo juice- "bulldozer"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We're in the same boat and we love it! "Hi-o" is hello, "bah-bus" is school bus, "buh-ble" is love you, and "ah-hoo" is dog (we have no idea how she came up with that!). Good post - it's always fun to hear how others are doing.

  3. Your mom held the phone up so I could hear Bo Juice.I must admit I too was a little confused until she translated for me.Priceless.

