Sunday, February 27, 2011


Annabel loves riding on ride-on toys as much as her brother did at this age. Griffin is happy to push her but she actually started leaning to one side and scooting herself this weekend.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Walking Baby

When our sitter saw Annabel doing this for the first time she said it looked "unnatural". She compared her to the talking baby on the commercials, saying that it seems fake that a little thing like herself could be walking so well already. I think that's a good way to describe it. Annabel-bel, as her brother calls her, loves to walk with her hands straight up in the sky. She has mastered the "walk, turn around, and go the other way" already, too.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rainy Day Museum Trip

We went to the Museum today since I am off work and it is very rainy. Griffin's favorite part was going grocery shopping where 2 little girls would "ring him up" at the checkout about 80 times. Annabel's favorite part was sitting in any chair she could find (she loves getting in and out all by herself).

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Shooting some Hoops

One of the perks of our new house is the basketball hoop in the front driveway. Although it has rarely been used by us it was fun to get to try it out together today.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentine's Day Party

Griffin invited me to his class' Valentine's Party this week. I stole this picture from my good friend, Alissa, whose little girl, Maya, is in the same class. Griffin and Maya have known each other since they were a couple days old since we used to live across the street from them. The party was fun...cookies, crafts and Valentines with a bunch of 2 year olds :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

"feeding herself"

please notice the quotation marks in the title :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentine's Day Dance

Last night was the annual Mariemont Mother's of Preschoolers Valentine Dance, which I helped put together this year. Griffin, Annabel and about 100 other preschoolers had a blast decorating cookies, making Valentine bracelets, dancing, doing the limbo and playing with balloons. Also important, the parents got to enjoy a beer while chasing after their preschoolers :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Stolen Photos

My friend was able to take pics of Annabel when we were swimming last weekend so I stole them to show everyone!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Favorite Thing

Back before I was blessed with such an beautiful family I used to dream about the children I would have one day. I remember, even when I was really young, praying for children that were happy and healthy. I remember praying to God that if it wasn't too much I would also love to have a little boy first and then a little girl. God has blessed in ways we never thought possible but one of the most amazing blessings is the relationship that Griffin and Annabel have. The joy, pride, love and protection that he has for her matches her admiration, love, and attachment to him. If we have done anything right, its raising them to be more than just brother and sister but amazingly close friends. Having children so close in age has been hard, to say the least, but I know the benefits will outweigh all hardships we face now being so busy. Seeing them grow up, learn, protect each other, play, and laugh together is by far one of my most favorite parts of being a parent.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Tackle

Which angle would be best?

Here we go!

Griffin and his dad play "tackle" all the time. I don't quite understand it but they love it.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Annabel Lately

Annabel amazes us every day. Two days ago she took her first steps without holding our hands. She did it screaming and crying, but she still did it. Then once she did it we made her do it over and over again. She is now taking 6 or 7 steps without our help. She holds her hands straight up in the air and will ONLY do it to walk to her mom.
The reason she did it crying and screaming is because she is a HUGE momma's girl. When I say that I mean, within the last month, she wants NOTHING to do with anybody but me. She is usually happy with her dad but if she hears me or I walk in the room, its over. It is exhausting and I feel bad for her big brother who only gets to have mommy time when she is asleep but I am trying to cherish it now. I know it won't last forever.
At 10 months old Annabel now has 4 teeth, says about 3 words (although we only think "momma" has any meaning), is weaning herself from breastfeeding. She is a big eater but wants nothing to do with baby food. She knows some "tricks" including waving bye-bye, washing her hands, and playing peek-a-boo. She also knows the use for many household objects already. For example, she brushes her hair with a comb, washes her face with washcloths, holds cellphone up to her ear/cheek and points the remote at the tv.
In other news, we had a wonderful weekend going to Recreations Outlet on Saturday to run, play, slide, & swing at their indoor playground and then today we went to the JCC to go swimming in their indoor pool. Combine a 2 year old who still needs help doing things with a 10 month old who will NOT let me put her down and you get a mom who never has a free hand to take pictures. Thanks to Beth and "the boys" we had a great time there though. We owe you guys!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First Ponytail

I have since taken this rubberband out but her hair stayed in the exact same position , without it :)